Curriculum – High School

In harmony with the recommendation of the Pacific Union Education Code, each student is expected to spend four full years in high school. Ordinarily, summer school courses, correspondence work and extra courses in the regular school program will be regarded as an enrichment of the student’s education. Classes taught as a regular part of the curriculum may not be taken elsewhere for credit without permission.

Class Load

Proper registration procedures must be followed for all courses taken. Students are required to carry a minimum load of 30 semester periods each semester and maintain a program that will ensure timely graduation.

Progress Reports

The school year is divided into two semesters of approximately 18 weeks each (Grades 9-10). Progress reports are available through ParentsWeb or can be requested. At the halfway point of each semester, progress reports will be given to parents at the scheduled parent-teacher conference. A permanent record, or transcript, will consist of the accumulation of grades received at the end of each semester. The semester grade reports will be mailed within ten business days after the semester ends.


Incompletes are rarely given, and only at the discretion of the teacher. Incompletes not removed 4 1/2 weeks into the next semester will become an F. Incompletes will not be given the last quarter of the school year except under very unusual circumstances.

Correspondence and Transfer Credits
(Pacific Union Conference Education Code, Section 49068)

Credits for classes taken at institutions other than Sierra View Junior Academy will be accepted only as outlined below:

  • Transfer students will be granted credit based on receipt of an official transcript from the school(s) previously attended.
  • Continuing students may receive credit for work taken at institutions other than Sierra View Junior Academy based on the following criteria:
    1. Courses must have prior approval in writing.
    2. Credit must be for classes not available at Sierra View Junior Academy.
    3. Courses taken for purposes of enrichment may not take the place of requirements for graduation at Sierra View Junior Academy.
    4. Courses repeated for low grades must be taken at Sierra View Junior Academy, or as approved by the academy faculty and administration.

Seniors taking approved correspondence work must arrange for an official transcript of such work to be submitted to the registrar’s office by May 1, when graduation is contingent upon completion of correspondence work. It is the student’s responsibility to secure such transcripts if he/she expects to take part in commencement exercises.

Class Standing (Pacific Union Conference Education Code, Section 2520)

Freshman: Students who have graduated from the eighth grade or who are otherwise qualified will be classified as freshmen.
Sophomore: Students who have successfully completed at least 60 semester periods as of the beginning of the new school year will be classified as sophomores.

Granting Credit

One Carnegie unit is equal to ten semester periods (10 S.P.). One-half Carnegie unit is equal to five semester periods (5 S.P.). Ten semester periods (10 S.P.) of credit is defined as a minimum average of 200 minutes of class per week for two semesters, with lab classes a minimum average of 240 minutes of class per week for two semesters. Credit is granted for each full semester a course is taken.

The four-point system is to be used to determine the grade point average. It is as follows:

A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+= 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+= 2.3
C = 2.0
C- = 1.7
D = 1.0
D- = .7

Waiver of Requirements

Under extenuating circumstances certain requirements may be waived. These circumstances may include physical incapacity; differing requirements involved in transferring from out of state, and other such situations. Waiver of requirements will rest solely with the administrator and the registrar, is not subject to appeal, and will be considered on an individual basis without comparison to past decisions regardless of apparent similarities.

Course Descriptions – English

English I (10 S.P.)
An introduction to the basic concepts of American English grammar, vocabulary, and use of the library and the dictionary. A beginning understanding and appreciation of literature through selected reading assignments. Writing exercises emphasize the ability to write clear, concise sentences and cohesive paragraphs.

English II (10 S.P.)
Prerequisite: Completion of English I
Development of the basic concepts of American English grammar with particular emphasis on advanced sentence structure and paragraph structure. Emphasis is placed on standards for choosing reading material, development of reading skills, and the practical application of communication skills through vocabulary drill and speech making. English II introduces research application through expository and persuasive writing.

Course Descriptions – Fine Arts

Band (10 S.P.)
Students enrolled in band should have at least 1 – 2 years of experience playing their respective instruments. Attention is given to intonation, tone quality, and rhythm; band members perform a variety of musical selections. Attendance at performances is required.

Choir (10 S.P.)
The choir is an organization where students learn to work cooperatively within a group setting while studying fundamentals of vocal technique. Emphasis is placed upon correct posture, vocal production, breath control, and intonation. Regular attendance at weekend and other performances is required.

Drama (5 S.P.)

This organization is intended to give its members a cursory introduction to a variety of drama skills. These skills include improvisation, pantomime, and acting.

Hand bell Choir (5 S.P.)
The Hand bell choir is open to students who exhibit minimum competencies in note reading and rhythm skills, and who desire to learn to work cooperatively within a group setting. Emphasis is placed on proper ringing technique and development of basic music skills. Regular attendance at weekend and other performances is required. Membership is by approval of the director.

Course Descriptions – Mathematics

Algebra I (10 S.P.)
Prerequisite: Students must demonstrate satisfactory performance before entering Algebra I.
This course is a modern approach which retains the valuable elements of the traditional Algebra course. The properties of numbers and the axioms governing their use are developed and applied to the solution of simple equations. Skill in manipulating positive and negative numbers, fractions, factoring, graphing, and solving systems of linear equations are developed. An understanding of the language and use of sets, relations, functions, and variation is also gained.

Algebra II (10 S.P.)
Prerequisite: “C” or higher in Algebra I.
A more penetrating and complete study is given of the topics introduced in Algebra I. The various number systems and their respective properties are distinguished and used throughout. This course gives an integrated study of both Algebra and trigonometry with both analytical and numerical aspects.

Geometry (10 S.P.)
Prerequisite: “C” or higher in Algebra I.
A unified study of the principles of plane, solid, and analytical geometry with emphasis on the fundamentals of logic as used in mathematical proofs. Analytical thinking is stressed and necessary for the solution of problems and constructions dealing with simple plane figures, logic, the fundamentals of trigonometry, vectors, and three-dimensional concepts.

Pre-Algebra (10 S.P.)
Enrollment in Pre-Algebra will be determined by performance on a math aptitude test. The language of algebra, integers, solving one-step equations, factors, fractions, rational numbers, solving equations and inequalities, graphing equations and inequalities, proportions and percent, statistics and graphs, and probability are covered in this course.

Course Descriptions – Physical Education

Health (5 S.P.)
A general course covering personal hygiene, family relationships, emotional and mental health, physical maturation, disease and disease prevention, diet, drug abuse, first aid and personal safety. This course is taught to complement the biology and religion courses, to present a well-rounded approach to physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Physical Education (10 S.P.)
A course in which the rules and skills of both team and individual recreation activities are taught. Strong emphasis is placed on personal development, group cooperation, and development of Christian ethics for recreation. P.E. uniforms are required for this class.

Course Descriptions – Practical Life Skills

Computer Applications (5 S.P.)
This class teaches history of computers, the selection of computer equipment and software, basic programming techniques, along with instruction and hands-on experience in Word Processing, database, and spreadsheets.

Keyboarding (5 S.P.)
An introductory course in the techniques of touch typewriting using computer typing software with emphasis on skills for personal and vocational use.

Yearbook (5 S.P.)
Students in this class will learn the basics of planning and producing a publication by working on the staff of the Adobe Sketches. Page layout, feature writing, caption writing, and digital production skills will be emphasized. Students will be taking pictures on digital cameras and will be working with desktop publishing software. Admittance is by teacher permission for students who want to produce an excellent yearbook and are willing to do the necessary work to get it done.

Course Descriptions – Religion

Religion I (10 S.P.)
Each quarter of the Religion I year of Bible class is drawn largely from the books of Genesis and Matthew. The first quarter focuses on God’s Word, explores some of the major worldviews on God, and addresses the issues involved in the origin of all things. The second quarter follows the families of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, and Joseph. Third quarter is an introduction to the Gospel story and covers the early years of Jesus’ life and His early ministry and teachings. The final quarter deals with Jesus’ later ministry, the rejection by the religious leader, and culminates in a study of Jesus’ trial, death, and resurrection.

Religion II (10 S.P.)
Each quarter of this year in Bible class takes up a different phase of church history (HIS Story). Unit one traces the history of God’s people from the Exodus through the period between the Old and New Testaments. Unit two deals with the development of the New Testament Church. The third unit covers the history of the church from A.D. 70 to the early 1800s. The last unit focuses on the Millerite movement in the early 1800s, detailing the development and growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church up to the present time.

Course Descriptions – Science

Biology I (10 S.P.)
Co-requisite: Algebra I
This class is designed to teach the student the principles and laws of nature and how to apply them to his own life and life around him. The material is presented with the realization of God as creator of all life.

Physical Science (10 S.P.)
A freshman year science course providing a general coverage of physics, chemistry, geology, and astronomy.

Course Descriptions – Social Sciences

World History (10 S.P.)
A careful and thought-provoking overview of world history from ancient times to the 20th century. This class is taught from a Christian perspective, emphasizing the active role of God in the affairs of men. Areas to be studied include: great issues, inventions, people, and ideas, which made the past and shaped the present. Geography studies are integrated with this world history class.