Painless Fundraising for Our School


How would you like to help Sierra View earn money without spending any extra money yourself?  It may sound too good to be true but it is a reality!  Three companies will donate money to us when you shop at their store.  You don’t spend more than you would already but they will donate a percentage of your purchase to our school.  By just changing a few simple things about how we shop, we can support Sierra View Junior Academy!

Target REDCard and Debit cards can be set to donate to SVJA.  Just search for our school at the bottom of the page when you login, or ask for assistance at a Target store.
School ID: 4250

Save Mart
The school office has Save Mart Shares cards.  When you shop for your groceries, just give the cashier the card before paying for your groceries and a percentage will come to SVJA.

Go to “” from a web browser (currently does not work with apps).  Login to your Amazon account like usual.  In the main menu ther should be an option like “pick your charity” – just search for Sierra View Junior Academy.