Alumni Association

Sierra View Junior Academy’s greatest legacy is its alumni.  The lessons learned and bonds formed while they are students here are the ones they carry with them for a lifetime.

To honor those lessons, generations of alumni show their support and stewardship of their beloved school in many ways:  through scholarships, volunteering, and sending their children and their children’s children to the same institution that provided them with such a good start.

The Alumni Association of Sierra View Junior Academy is a dedicated group of individuals who serve as the “eyes and ears” of the school.  The Alumni Association serves the school by daily praying for the current students and faculty, raising money to support programs for student learning and addressing current issues of alumni, students, parents, faculty and staff.

If you would like to know how you can get involved with the Alumni Association, please contact us at, or call (559) 592-3689 and ask to be contacted about volunteering with the Alumni Association.